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during the making of our music video once we had done a fair part of the editting and had enough footage on the timeline to shoe a rough cut we decided it would be a good idea to have a rough cut showcase.Ee decided to show the rough cut to the rest of the poeple in our class as they are in the age range of our target audience, we decided to give our class mates a audience feedback sheet this way we could see clearly see what they had to say about our video and what they felt we could improve on. we felt this was good idea to get some feed back as we wasnt yet completly finshed filming this would then allow us to go out and refilm bits if we needed to and to also have time to go out and film bits to be added if any where sugested.

This is the feedback we got back from our class mates.From looking at the sheet we found that they liked the amount of different loactaions we had in the video along with the bright colours that where in the shots, they also said that they liked the different angles of the shots we had and the different eddits and how we used them for example the fast cutting shots at the begging and end creating the montage of shots used throughout the video. another thing that they had said made the video seam a whole difference eas the artist performance this was because Tomi was very enthusastic in every shot they made the artist very bubble and bright wich wored well with the genre and the nature of the video. Another thing which they said they liked was the use of special effect we had during the video this was picked up on the line'take me to another dimention' where we added overlapping fottage. Some of the issues picked up where: there was many gaps in our video however this was down to the fact we haddent yet finished filming, when we had finished filming there was no gaps in our video, they also said that there was one location shot which didnt match up to the other shots this was because of the weather to fix this problem we decided to go out and refilm this footage on a brighter day. another thing that was picked up was not all of our clips where in sync this was easily fixed by us going through and resyncing clips.

when coming to the end of the making of our music video we decided to have one last showcasing to our class mates and teachers after adding in all the clips colourising and lipsyncing we show cased our final rough cut before uploading it to youtube, this allowed us to make an small aggustment that other people noticed and dont think was right. From looking at the feed back sheets we found that people really liked the edditing and fast pase of the cutting, again really like the performace of our artist. since the last time we had shown the video we had added our dance routine this was noticed by every one and said that this made the music video tie into the deephouse/ dance genre. the only problems piced up where some of the shots where to long in comparriosn the other shots and not all of the clip where at the same brightness and contrast level making some of the shots look more dull compaired to the others. this problems where easly fixed in the edditing.

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